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“Very informative as well as helpful in every way. The most honest company I've dealt with which is very hard to find! 100 percent recommend.”

Veronica W, NC

"Very informative as well as helpful in every way. The most honest company I've dealt with which is very hard to find! 100 percent recommend!"

​Veronica Warren, NC

“Fantastic experience! Great quality buildings! Awesome people!”

Sarah Collins NC

“Great family to work with! Very professional with good prices. They will work with you to help you get what fits your budget and needs.”


​Christy Hall, NC

 "Decided to rent to own a 8x12 storage shed from Jeff. He was very professional and the building and monthly payments are very affordable. Building came within 2 weeks and is very sturdy and made of good quality. Will definitely be going back for future needs!"​


Stephanie Hardison, NC

"Bought a 10x16 metal building. Built very well. They showed up and had it set in under 30min. This is my second purchase from Jeff. Drop by and see him you won't be disappointed.”


​Brandon Ramsey NC

© 2022 by JW Portable Buildings 

10 Pallet RoadCandler, NC 28715

Phone: ï»¿ï»¿1-828-633-1562

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